Privacy Policy


Northfields International School

Main road, Labourdonnais Village Mapou 31803, Mauritius

Northfields International School (referred as “the School”) is part of Inspired Education Holdings Limited (“Inspired Education Group”), which is a company registered in England with number 09268120 and registered address in Sixth Floor, 3 Burlington Gardens, London, W1S 3EP, United Kingdom. Inspired operates numerous affiliated schools globally via its regional offices in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.


According to the Data Protection Act 2017 (also referred as “DPA 2017”) we provide information about how we are processing the personal information that we receive about you.

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at the address [email protected] if you have any queries on the processing of your personal information.TYPES OF


We process personal information from our students and their families and / or legal representatives and from our employees, candidates, suppliers, contractors, prospective customers and third parties interested in finding out more about our services.

The personal information we process is mainly the following:

  • Identification and contact details;
  • Family information;
  • Nationality, location and language;
  • Safeguarding information (such as court orders and professional involvement);
  • Education and employment information;
  • Images, audio and video recordings, including CCTV footage (video images);
  • Financial information;
  • Educational centres previously attended;
  • Other personal information that you want to provide to us.

Other types of information we may collect and process, according to the school purposes, and under legal conditions, are related to health condition, criminal records and other sensitive information related to an individual, such as:

  • Information about health status or provision of special health care linked to a specific individual;
  • Behavioural information;
  • Special educational needs;
  • Criminal records linked to a specific individual;
  • Biometric information;
  • Ethnicity;
  • Religion or ideology;
  • Sexual orientation.


The School collects information in several ways, including:

  • Personally and over the phone;
  • Through our website’s online forms;
  • When visiting our website, through cookies;
  • From email and hand delivery paper documentation;
  • Through online tools such as apps, educational platforms and other software used by the School;


The School processes personal information to lawfully and legitimately carry out the School’s educational activity. The School collects and processes personal information to lawfully and legitimately carry out the School’s educational activity in the framework of individuals’ consent, but also based on a legal and contractual obligation, individuals’ vital interest when necessary and legitimate interest. The School collects and processes information for the following purposes:

  • Attend the enquiries properly
  • Ensure that the student meets the school’s admission criteria;
  • Provide educational services, including extracurricular activities, celebration of events, sports, etc;
  • Provide to the students welfare and pastoral care services, including the support of pupil learning, monitor and report on pupil progress;
  • Provide to the students medical and nurse attention, catering service and school transportation, among other necessary services;
  • Meet the educational, social, physical and emotional requirements of the student;
  • Enable parents or legal guardians to be contacted in the case of emergency or in the case of school closure, or to be informed of their child’s educational progress or about school events, etc.;
  • With the aim to celebrate School’s achievements and to keep a memory of our students, our School may take and use photographs and audiovisual recordings to be shared in our websites, social networks and our yearbooks, always based on informed consent from parents or students of legal age. With your consent, these images can also be shared with Inspired Education Group and used in its global social media.
  • Send commercial communications if previously requested and / or authorised by the individuals. The individuals will be able to unsubscribe by clicking in the “unsubscribe” or sending a request to our Data Protection Officer;
  • Comply with legal and administrative requirements;


 If you want to send us your CV through the section “Careers”, you will have to create an account to make use of the employment platform and to send us your employment application. Your information will be shared with Inspired Education Group as the owner of the platform Global Careers Site in the terms exposed at:   and incorporated in the files owned by Northfields International School. Our Human Resources department will process your information with the purpose to include your candidacy in our selection processes.


The legal basis that supports the collection and processing of your information are the following:

  1. Your consent: We may need the consent of the parents/legal guardians or the student over legal age to send commercial communications, as well as for the creation and use of images and videos to disclose the student’s participation in our activities. school or for promotional campaigns.

Execution of a contractual relationship of which the individual is a party: The admission and registration of students, the provision of educational, academic, nursing, safeguarding and other related services, as well as the sending of communications relating to teaching activities and the administrative and billing management necessary for the provision of the aforementioned services;

  1. Compliance with our legal obligations: We must manage and maintain the information of students’ parents, employees and suppliers to comply with the legal requirements of the relevant authorities, including the management of legal claims;
  2. Our legitimate interest: We may need to process statistical information from our School to carry out satisfaction surveys, and / or to modify the functioning of our school in addition to promote our activities by sending commercial communications (always under your consent);
  3. Vital interest: We may have to process data with the purpose to defend individuals’ life and / or health.



As a School, we may be lawfully required to share personal information with relevant authorities or third parties when it is legally required, such as Ministry of Education,  Ministry of Social Security, as well as third parties providers of services for our students, parents and employees, as permitted on legal grounds, in addition to comply with legal obligations, to exercise a School’s legitimate purposes or on the basis of a specific consent given by the individual concerned.

We will ensure that, where relevant, contractual safeguards are implemented to ensure the protection of individuals’ personal information when disclosing them to a third party, always under restrictions on the use of personal information and obligations with respect to the protection of confidentiality and privacy as well as the security of the information.


In the event that, when necessary for the performance of a contract (which could even include the use of computer tools and platforms offered from outside Mauritius and / under other legal basis, personal information may need to be transferred to countries outside our country, including countries that may offer a lower level of data protection, we will implement the necessary measures and comply with legal requirements to ensure adequate protection of your personal information.

Your personal data shall be neither rented nor sold to third parties under any concept


Your personal information will only be retained for the period of time required to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected and following sectoral regulations, unless a longer time is permitted for reasons of public interest archiving, scientific or historical research, or statistical purposes. Once your personal information is no longer required or permitted to be retained for legal or business purposes, it will be destroyed or made anonymous under the corresponding security measures.


Under the DPA 2017, you have rights regarding the processing of your personal information, without prejudice to the exemptions and limitations that may affect them.

You have the right to:

  • Access to the information the School is processing concerning you;
  • Decide on automated individual decision making, having the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you;
  • Rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of your information;
  • Object to the processing of your personal data unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim. Where personal data are processed for the purpose of direct marketing, you have the right to object to processing of your personal data for such marketing purposes, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing

Requests can be made by sending a written specific request, along with a copy of the ID card, to the Data Protection Officer at [email protected].


As previously indicated, you have the right to withdraw your consent for any specific purpose at any time without prejudice of the legality of processing according to the consent given before withdrawal.


Our School will not collect and process information from children. Parental or legal tutor’s consent to act on their behalf will be always required.


The School shall use the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security, confidentiality, integrity and privacy of the personal information, preventing from unauthorised access or unlawful processing as well as accidental loss, destruction or damage of the files.


This website contains links to other applications as OpenApply and social networks as Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Our School is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites. You should be aware that the processing of your personal information is carried out by those sites and governed by their respective privacy policies.

If you do not want these sites to collect and process your information, please review their corresponding privacy policies and / or disconnect from it before using our Services.


We use cookies to provide you with a better experience in the use of our website, as well as to store information about our visitors. This information is related to your session ID and are a way of monitoring single user access.

The Web server is allowed to remember some information concerning the user, such as his preferences for visiting the pages of this server, name and password, products that are more interesting, etc.

The Cookies that we use in our website and that require informed consent by the user are the functional cookies and the targeting cookies. Consent is not needed for essential or required cookies, which are those of a technical nature necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user.

You can get more information about the cookies we used by visiting our website cookies policy.


If you consider we did not attend your request properly or that we are not processing your data according to DPA 2017, you have the right to file a complaint before the Data Protection Office, by sending a written request to Data Protection Office, 5th Floor, SICOM Tower, Wall Street, Ebene, Republic of Mauritius  or to the contact details provided at its website:


We may need to update this privacy notice periodically, so we recommend that you review this information from time to time.

This version was last updated in October 2024