Activity Sessions

IB Activity Sessions

Service as Action is part of the MYP program introduce at Northfields. It is a mandatory requirement for students of year 7-9 to complete. It starts in the classroom and extends beyond it, requiring students to take an active part in the communities in which they live. Giving importance to the sense of community throughout the programme encourages responsible citizenship and seeks to deepen the student’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Therefore, to enable our students to progress with the service as Action, we at Northfields have introduce the Activity Session on Wednesdays.

The MYP Service as Action Programme provides an avenue for experiential learning through a range of physical, service and community activities.

Also we offer CAS activities for our Year 11-13. CAS is a compulsory IB component which we believe is important for all students in the school. However, in recognizing that not all students are IB, we offer a time of the day in CAS, where students can do activities which are Creativity, Activity or Service.

It is compulsory for students of Year 10 onwards.  Students choose their activity to do for the term, from a list of activities.

Each term they can do a new activity in order to gain a variety of experiences through the 3 areas.  Activities offered might differ from one term to another