

“Mental health is defined as; a state of wellbeing in which every individual recognises his or her own potential, is able to cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community”.
World Health Organisation, August 2014

What exactly is counselling?

International research has shown the great benefits a school counsellor can have in being a neutral, objective support and offering a safe place where students can express all their fears and concerns.
“Counselling is an intervention that children or young people can voluntarily enter into if they want to explore, understand and overcome issues in their lives which may be causing them difficulty, distress and/or confusion. A counselling relationship has identified boundaries and an explicit contract agreed between the young person, counsellor and, where appropriate, parent or care giver.”

At Northfields, we prioritise student well-being and recognise this as a vital factor in students succeeding in all facets of their lives. We are very proud that we now, as of 2021, have full time counsellor as part of our student support services. We offer this service to all students of all ages, during school time, or outside school times if arranged, without any further cost. Northfields has adopted the Gillick competence approach to such services, which determines to say “As a general principle it is legal and acceptable for a young person to ask for confidential counselling without parental consent providing they are of a sufficient understanding and intelligence”. (Gillick v West Norfolk AHA, House of Lords 1985)

Northfields International School takes a holistic approach when it comes to the overall social, emotional and behavioural wellness of its students. The aim of the counselling program is to assist the students to understand themselves better and their relationship to their world, to help them become more aware of their environment. To empower them with confidence and resilience, to support their ability to address problems and pursue personally meaningful goals.