Founders’ Day
Founders’ Day is traditionally a very important day in the school calendar when members of the school community meet to commemorate the founders of the school and who have bequeathed resources to its development. An atmosphere of celebration fills Northfields when the school community gathers to celebrate the Founder’s Day.
The chief aim is to actively develop the ambition and potential of every student, whether it is academic or any other sphere. Northfields believes that a student can achieve anything with focus, perseverance and confidence.
National Day
At Northfields, we take a special pride in saluting our beloved ‘quadricolor’- Red, blue, yellow and green. On the eve of the National Day, every year, we at Northfields salute the hard work of all our citizens who have, over these years, helped to build a new Mauritius. We recall, with pride, the struggle of our ancestors and political leaders, whose undying love for Mauritius secured us with our freedom. We remember all of those who have fought for independence from the British colony for the cause of our unity, integrity and progress.