Our Pre-Nursery
As part of Northfields International school we cater for the toddler age from 18 months to 3 years. In our Montessori classrooms we place significant focus as we help our parents look for, discover, appreciate, and support the mental, physical, social and emotional needs of their child during their first three years of life.
We embrace the diversity of the different cultures at we believe that every culture brings wisdom, integrity, knowledge and respect to human life. By embracing our world, we live in, we have created a schooling environment to meet the needs of a child. Developing their individuality and potential so that they too can be the ambassador’s in their generation.
Our toddlers learn through the concrete world first and thereby develop tools that lead to abstract thought and the furthering of their own construction. Children need real objects from their world so they may absorb through their senses. Considering that the period of birth to 3 years in the growth and development that the child endures. The child’s core structure of their brain is formed in the first 3years of the child’s life. By the age of three years, the brain has established a pattern of processing information that will be used throughout life. Our loving and joyous classrooms focus on helping to encourage and facilitate skills of functional independence, language development, self-expression, socialization and sensory exploration.
Our school is equipped with developmental appropriate materials and learning that support the child through each stage of toddler growth. We follow the child and provide learning opportunities so toddlers can explore on the bases of their curiosity and their mobility, not just their age.