Cognitive Activities

Cognitive Activities

In our Montessori classrooms we deliver activities that provide our toddlers with experimenting, thinking, solving problems and learning all the time. It is through the exploration and experimentation, our toddlers progress with the ability to think, understand, communicate, make memories, imagine and work out what might happen next. Relationship building between friends, family and others also support his cognitive development. The start of maths development comes through the excitement of experimenting in moving objects, touching real objects, gathering them in groups, counting each one, one at a time. It is with time that our toddlers learn that a word stands for quantity using objects. The toddler later determines that these concepts are used and understood all over the world. Some Cognitive Activities

  • Building puzzles
  • Matching geometric shapes
  • Learning the difference between same and different
  • Matching numbers
  • Classifying objects to groups
  • Sequencing of events