Careers and University Guidance

Careers and University Guidance

One of the major aspects of Sixth Form is preparation of university applications. Our Sixth Form staff will support and advise the students throughout the process, but the students are very much encouraged to take a proactive approach in finding the right course and institution for them, as well as taking the necessary steps to apply in a timely manner.

Different institutions in different countries have very different expectations and deadlines for applications. Regardless of their choices, all students are likely to need a personal statement as well as a reference. Each student will be given guidance as well as time within the school timetable to complete their personal statement. In addition, each student will have a member of staff assigned as a referee with whom they can meet.

The Sixth Form Team is very experienced in guiding our students through online application systems including UCAS for the UK and CommonApp for the USA. We are also familiar with what is required for preparation and registration of the SAT examinations for US university entrance.

To help our students develop a better understanding of what is required for university entrance and study, we also hold University Fairs at the school where representatives of a variety of universities worldwide are invited to advise our students on their programmes of study. We also organise visits to local university campuses to allow our students a closer glimpse of what tertiary education can be provided in Mauritius.